Nye County Child Advocacy Center


A Multidisciplinary Approach to Child Abuse in Our Community

About the NCCAC

The Nye County Child Advocacy Center (NCCAC) brings together child abuse professionals that work collaboratively to:

Reduce the amount of trauma children experience

• Enhance response to child maltreatment

• Support the needs of child victims and their families

NCCAC serves as the first stop for children victimized by sexual abuse or severe physical abuse. CAC’s provide a safe, child-friendly environment along with a Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) response. The MDT includes:

Child protection workers

• Law enforcement officers

• Medical providers

• Prosecutors

• Child and family advocates

• Forensic interviewers

• Mental health professionals

This team works collaboratively to provide necessary services to the child with the least amount of negative impact.  The forensic interview is the cornerstone of the process, done by trained forensic interviewers while key team members observe from a separate location, the forensic interview is victim centered, child-friendly, supportive, and designed to reduce the number of times a child is interviewed about abuse.